Board Members

Louise Horsken

Vice President
Pat Hodder 

Gene Denu  

Pam McKittrick

Joy Perkins

Louise Horsken
Gene Denu
Pat Hodder
Joy Perkins
Libby Shannon
Mike Frat
Pam McKittrick
Joan Copp
Mitch Merrow
Ed Garrett

WHS By-Laws as amended by membership vote, May 2021

History of the Society
The Wolfeboro Historical Society was formed September 1, 1925 and incorporated August 31, 1926.  Its by-laws were developed by J.T. Meader, Miss L. Maude Cate and Mrs. Mabel Hatch and approved August 13, 1929. The Society has leased  the Clark House from the Town of Wolfeboro since July 7, 1927. In 1959 the Town gave the Society a lease on the Pleasant Valley Schoolhouse when it was moved to the Clark House grounds. The firehouse was added to the Clark Museum Complex in 1982. Currently  the Clark Museum Complex, consisting of four buildings with the recent addition of the Barn, is owned by the Town of Wolfeboro and is operated by the Wolfeboro Historical Society. A 2006 presentation by Jim Rogers to the BOS gained approval to reconstruct an antique 1820's barn on the property. The barn construction was completed and opened to the public on July 3, 2018. The Board of Selectmen accepted the donation of the barn from WHS to the Town of Wolfeboro on November 7, 2018.

Mission of the Wolfeboro Historical Society
The objective of the Society shall be the encouragement of interest in the history of the Town of Wolfeboro, NH, by all appropriate means, including the collection, display and care of articles of historic interest pertaining to the history of Wolfeboro, and the ownership, lease or operation of property involved therewith for the benefit of this and future generations. (Source: Wolfeboro Historical Society by-laws, Article II - Objective)

The Wolfeboro Historical Society maintains files on a variety of local history topics. These are available for use by contacting us as shown on the Contact Us page. 

 Our Resources Include:
Copies of Bowers' History of Wolfeboro 
Copies of Parker's History of Wolfeboro
Copies of Around Dimon's Corner, a History of North Wolfeboro
An extensive library on local history topics
Approximately 300 file folders on various local topics
Approximately 110 genealogy folders
Extensive research on buildings and homes in Wolfeboro


Plan Your Visit

The Clark Museum Complex

Wednesday - Friday 10 AM - 4 PM           Saturday 10 AM - 2 PM

OPEN: July 1 to Labor Day

PHONE:  603  569  4997

Admission Fees

Adults  $4 

Students $2

Children under 12, active military  FREE

Members & Guests   FREE


233 South Main Street
P.O. Box 1066

Wolfeboro, NH  03894

Across from Huggins Hospital


website design by excelsior graphics

The Wolfeboro Historical Society is a not-for-profit 501 (c)3 organization
supported by volunteers, admissions, memberships and donations.